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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
My Writing Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
My Writing Style - Essay Example Composing isn't a simple procedure, it requires some serious energy. To write in a way that is thankful and excellent, an individual is required to peruse abstract works. Nonetheless, at any stage, it can't be said that one has found out about composition and its strategies totally. Composing is a delayed procedure and one needs to keep composing for quite a while so as to make his composing motivational and powerful. George Orwell in his composition, â€Å"Why I write†advises that he got occupied with the creative cycle by perusing scholarly works and by attempting to keep in touch with himself when he was a youngster (Orwell 1). Creative cycle was not referred to him as a disclosure but since of a consistent battle that he did to get the hang of composing. In this way, one can't guarantee that the creative cycle is simple and anybody can do it with no difficult work. As Orwell has clarified that he did a great deal of battle to figure out how to compose, comparatively, ever y wannabe of the creative cycle needs to battle excessively. I additionally view myself as a hopeful however I feel that I need to do a ton of difficult work to begin composing something that is praiseworthy. The creative cycle includes the portrayal of self as the essayist purposefully or accidentally uncovered his own self in his composition. Undoubtedly, I feel that my composing is likewise expressive of me as an individual. An individual who is touchy and kind, his composing will be demonstrative of his tendency. Essentially, various types of individuals can be known with the assistance of their composition. As per Joan Didion, â€Å"In numerous ways, composing is simply the demonstration of saying I, of forcing oneself upon others, of saying hear me out, see it my way, change your mind†(1). It implies that composing is an individual procedure where, the author shows what he prefers or abhorrences, what is his thought or idea of a circumstance and what are the realities as indicated by the essayist. In this manner, composing for me is simply the portrayal as while composing, we see the world with our perspectives and describe what we feel about various viewpoints because of which, we uncover our characters. Individuals as a rule compose with certain points, for example, for acclaim, for guiding of individuals, for self-articulation and substantially more. Eliot Stephen says, â€Å"There are other extraordinary motivations to compose. To recount to a story, to be heard, to make workmanship, to partake, to add to the generational conversation, to make a political point, to make the world a more extravagant spot (7)†.
Monday, July 13, 2020
4 Ways to Be More Outgoing
4 Ways to Be More Outgoing More in Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment and Therapy Work and School Related Conditions If you find it difficult to strike up a conversation with someone you dont know, painful to participate in a discussion with co-workers, or stressful to attend a party where you know only a few people, you arent alone. But that doesnt mean you have to stay on the conversational sidelines. With a few little tweaks to your style, you can become more outgoing, more relaxed in social situations, and more likely to have fun when youre in the company of others. Here are some tips to get you started. Start With Small Steps Start by taking small steps towards establishing contact with the people around you be they strangers, acquaintances, colleagues, or friends. Eye contact and small, friendly gestures can go a long way. They say that smiles are contagious. So, if someone looks directly at you when you’re shopping at the grocery store, on the train on your way to work, or sitting in the break room at the office, smile at them. You will find that most people react positively and are likely to smile back. Use that returned smile as an instant confidence booster. After mastering the smile, graduate to saying hello, asking someone for advice, or giving a compliment. The more that you get used to establishing communication with strangers and acquaintances, the easier it becomes and more natural it feels to be outgoing. Youll also find that being friendly and nice to those around you feels good. Youll often receive positive feedback in return, which will help develop the self-confidence that is useful in virtually every social setting. Use Your Mutual Connections Its easy to hang with the people who make you feel comfortable and safe, but never branching out can be detrimental in both social and professional environments. One of the easiest ways to become more outgoing is to ask your friends, colleagues, or classmates to introduce you to their friends. For example, if you walk into a room and your friend is talking to someone else, make a point to say hello and introduce yourself. The next time you see that person, you can say hello and, since you have already been introduced, you have built a bridge into future communication. Once youve made a connection, ask the person questions about themselves. One of the best ways to strike up a conversation and keep it going is to ask open-ended questions and actively listen as they take it from there. This is also a great trick if you find that youre unsure what to talk about or are uncomfortable with small talk. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone Doing something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable is the easiest way to boost your confidence and help you become a more outgoing version of yourself. With each little victory, youll gain the confidence to step further and further outside your comfort zone. If you keep seeing signs for a club or class youre interested in, go to one meeting to test the waters. There is not any harm in trying. Do your best to counteract the inner voice telling that you can’t do something or defining yourself by what you think you should be doing instead. If you have never danced before but want to take a salsa lesson, try it out. Do things because they interest you, not because they are the things you have always done. Don’t Sweat the Little Things It is easy to get so caught up in your self-image that being quiet or reserved can feel like the safest choice. But being outgoing offers you the chance to try new things and meet new people. At the end of the day, no one is going to remember how nervous you sounded the first couple of times you met them; they will remember you as the person who made an effort to reach out, who wasnt afraid to ask a question in a group, and who had something nice to say at the end of a conversation. Not sure how to end it? Practice this conversational closing: It was great talking to you. Lets do this again!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Physics of Catapults Essay - 1122 Words
The ballista, or shield piercer, was first developed by the Greeks using the same principles as a bow and arrow. Its primary use was to, as the name suggests, pierce enemy shields, since normal bows lacked the power to do so. Early versions of the ballista include the gastrophetes, which is nothing more than an enlarged bow that can be braced against the users body. http://members.lycos.nl/onager/GastrophetesPic.jpg As time went on ballistas were improved to become larger and more powerful, eventually becoming mounted mechanisms that could be operated by two or more people. The Romans eventually modified them to throw stones, making them more effective in seiges against walled†¦show more content†¦Using this relationship assumes that the force constant is constant, or that moving the arms back 2 meters gives twice the force that moving them back 1 meter would do, which is most likely not correct, but close enough for a general assumption of the force to be made. When the force is applied, the projectile is accelerated to the end of the ballista, at which point it released with a velocity v and an angle q from the horizontal. The velocity can be found using the kinematic equation v2=2ax, where a is the acceleration and x is the length of the ballista that the projectile is accelerated upon. Since F=ma and F in this case is -kd, the equation can be simplified into v2=2-kdx/m. After it is released, the projectile obeys the laws of projectile motion, disregarding air resistance. Therefore, the range of the ballista can be given by the equation R=v2sin2q/g, where g is the accleration due to gravity. Mangonel History The Romans, finding the ballista difficult to construct, simplified the design and created the onager. It had one arm instead of two, and is what is most commonly identified as a catapult today. http://members.lycos.nl/onager/OnagerPic.jpg During the Dark Ages, the French were able to re-invent the onager, and they called it the mangonneau, and it became known in England as the mangonel. MangonelShow MoreRelatedResearch Testing the Shot Distance of the Crossbow, the Catapult, and the Slingshot1103 Words  | 4 Pagesand test different weapons from those eras. I am finding out which shoots the furthest the crossbow, the catapult, or the slingshot and if I do not know how they work, I cannot compare them to each other so I decided to research this. My hypothesis is that the catapult will shoot the furthest and I think that I am right do to previous research by professionals. 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Archimedes was a Greek who lived from 287 BC - 212 BC. Archimedes also takes credit for the invention of gears. Chinese and Roman armies made complex machines such as the catapult. Imhotep was known for his develpoments on bridges. Imhotep was an Egyptian from the 27th century. Imhotep was the first known civil engineer. The word engine itself has been around for a long period of time. The word engine is Latin for ingeniumRead MoreCopernican Heliocentrism Impact to Modern Science1010 Words  | 5 PagesCopernican Heliocentrism impact to Modern Science Michael White WGU February 24, 2011 Thesis Statement: Nicolas Copernicus Heliocentrism helped to revolutionize science and catapult man into space. Introduction: Early science and astronomers believed the earth to be the center of the universe; this was known as the Geocentric Model. 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After moving to the United States and earning a bachelor degrees in Economics and Physics from the University of Pennsylvania, Musk moved on to Stanford University in attempt to earn his PhD in energy physics. What follows is a tremendous rise to success. Taking a look at exactly what happened, what struggles and what successes this man endured, we are in turn able to learn valuable lessonsRead MoreElon Musk And Its Impact On The Planet1152 Words  | 5 Pageshimself programming, constructed a complex space-themed computer game, and sold it to a large corporation. After moving to the United States and earning a bachelor degrees in Economics and Physics from the University of Pennsylvania, Musk moved on to Stanford University in attempt to earn his PhD in energy physics. What follows is a tremendous rise to success. Taking a look at exactly what happened, what struggles and what successes this man endured, we are in turn able to learn valuable lessonsRead MoreThe Roller Coaster Is More Than Just A Thrill Ride3412 Words  | 14 Pagesexcitement, butterflies, long waits in line, the speed and memories that come with it. It seems no one could name where the first roller coaster was built, how they came about, or even any of the simple physics involved. In reality, the Roller Coaster is more than just a thrill ride, it is all parts of physics including momentum, inertia, Newton s Laws,and friction. It is a symbol of dedication of its creator, safety, and even more so, the Roller Coaster is a mark of history. History: The Roller Coaster
HR problem Free Essays
All employees are continually performance managed and this is looked at when going or promotion so the employees are always putting a lot of effort to get good assessments and appraisals. When many of the employees joined the company they were told that promotion would be available within two years, however this has not been the case. The general management seem not to worry about this lack of motivation and seem to think as long as the employees are making money they will be happy. We will write a custom essay sample on HR problem or any similar topic only for you Order Now Part b Problem Analysis To analyses the problems in this organization we need to look the issue of motivation at work and also the psychological contract between the company and the employee. Arnold et al (1995 cited in Preston 2006 P. 7) suggests that motivation is made up of three components: 1 . Direction: what a person is trying to do 2. Effort: how hard a person is trying 3. Persistence: how long a person continues trying Looking at this suggestion you can see that In the case of the employees they have a key direction In looking for promotion and are putting In a lot of effort to receive good assessments and appraisals. However, they are starting to lack in persistence as they A highly motivated employee will be: o More committed to the business o A more productive worker Happier in their Job A useful theory we can use to look at motivational issues is Mascots hierarchy of needs. Self-actualization Esteem Social (belonging) Safety Physiological Preston (2006 p. 12) states ‘Mason believed that all people are motivated by the same things, but there are different levels of need. When one set of needs in the hierarchy has been met, we work harder to fulfill the next level. ‘ In relation to the problem stated earlier a majority of the employees work hard to achieve the different stages of need, however now they are lacking motivation because they are striving for more ND working harder to achieve more but it is not being made available to them. We can also look at Victor Broom’s expectancy theory he uses the equation x I x V) which looks at the process of motivation. In this case even though the effort being but in by the employees is huge, the outcome they are hoping for (promotion) is not great or non-existent. As promotion is a high priority for these employees they therefore have a lack of motivation. Another motivation theory we can link to this problem is Douglas McGregor (1960) Theory X and Theory Y. In this case the management are obviously Theory X managers only believing employees are motivated by money. The employees will become very disheartened by this as they are trying extremely hard and not being recognized for it. The psychological contract forms part of the unwritten contract and as Preston (2006 pop) states ‘differs from a written contract in that it is concerned with implicit expectations, obligations and promises that both parties believe have been made with regard to what each owes and expects to receive from each other. ‘ The psychological contract covers a lot of areas and has become more important in cent times where the employee expects a lot more from their employer. When joining the company the employees understood that promotion would be available within two years. This was not in the official written contract but was a known promise. Many employees now feel dishonored. They have put in a lot of hard work which they expected would put them well on the road to promotion. These few points are all examples of the psychological contract. In this case it is very weak; this is also a good reason as to why the employees are not motivated. I think this problem could be solved and have produced a few ideas which could help both short term and long term. ; Condiment opportunities The company could offer its employees short term condiment opportunities in a higher position when the man power is stretched and in need of a temporary boost. Even though it is not permanent it may help increase motivation in the short term. In the case on Broom’s theory the promotion they have been working towards will have been made available (if only temporarily) which will increase motivation ; Working in there departments – increase company knowledge There may be a chance to look at letting employees work in different departments short term especially during low season when man power levels needed are not as high. This will benefit both the company and the employee. The business will benefit from the extra knowledge and skills the employee will learn which they will be able to bring back to their original role. The employee will enjoy doing something new and being more challenged therefore increasing motivation. ; Opportunities to work up On certain shifts the manager on duty could delegate his duties to a more Junior employee. This gives the employee the opportunity to learn on the Job whilst being supervised by the manager. This could provide a challenge and more stimulating day at work. Better the relationship between managers and employees Reduce the barriers between general management and the workforce, I. E. Improving and encouraging more fluid communication between each party. This will enable the management to see how dedicated and committed their staff actually are and allow them to have a more personal idea of who their employees are. This would be a start n changing the managers from Theory X to Theory Y managers when looking at Dougl as McGregor theory. How to cite HR problem, Papers
Thursday, April 23, 2020
s Speech To Achilles In The Iliad
in hopes that he will see the foolishness of his actions and the toll it has taken on the forces. Achilles appreciates the spirit of the men behind the arguments, but finds that the negotiations fail in the unwillingness to persuade him. His response to Phoenix is that the idea that someone could have a shared loyalty to both him and Agamemnon is completely unacceptable to him. Ajax has the greatest affect on the w... 's Speech To Achilles In The Iliad Free Essays on Analysis Of The Embassy\'s Speech To Achilles In The Iliad Analysis of the speeches of the Embassy to Achilles (Book 9) The Greek word hubris, when translated to English, means an exaggerated pride. Achilles’ greatest flaw is completely exposed in Book 9 when Agamemnon sends forth humble terms in an attempt to heal the damage that has been done to his kleos. The result of Agamemnon’s desperate meeting with his assembly results in the decision, put forward by Nestor, to send Odysseus, Phoenix and Ajax on an embassy to convince Achilles to return to the Achaean forces. Of the three men Odysseus, known for his great skills as an orator, is the first to plead their case. Odysseus uses morality as the basis of his argument by appealing to Achilles through the words of his own father who urged him control his temper while in battle. He then goes on to list the gifts Agamemnon has offered in an attempt to show the king’s newly emerged growth as a leader; seeking the interest of his men over that of himself. Phoenix, an old tutor of Achilles, is able to relate the story of Meleager and Cleopatra to a tee because he shares a similar relationship of love with Achilles. He uses the parallels of the personas of Meleager and Achilles to show that the capacity to be loved can bring any man to sanity. He asks him to consider that it is better to return now and receive some glory than waiting too long and receiving no glory at all. The final argument is given by Ajax who speaks through emotion from one warrior to another. He tries to mirror Achilles’ rage through his words in hopes that he will see the foolishness of his actions and the toll it has taken on the forces. Achilles appreciates the spirit of the men behind the arguments, but finds that the negotiations fail in the unwillingness to persuade him. His response to Phoenix is that the idea that someone could have a shared loyalty to both him and Agamemnon is completely unacceptable to him. Ajax has the greatest affect on the w...
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